The Presbyterian Church (USA) has developed Seven Marks to guide congregations in assessing their vitality. Vitality is associated with energy, with being strong and active. Congregations of all sizes can be vital in that they are engaged with the energy of the Holy Spirit in doing the work that God is calling them to do. Over the past few weeks, we have examined a handful of these marks:
1. A commitment to forming disciples over every member’s lifetime. We do this through church leadership such as serving as an elder or deacon. We do this through Bible Study and small group gatherings. We do this through our various ministries as we serve God in the world around us.
2. Embracing the call to evangelism. We show forth the love of Christ by our actions and our lives even more than by our words. Our relationships are genuine and caring. People know we are Christians by our love.
3. An outward focus. Our church is not a place to escape from the world, but rather our gateway to our community where we may be the hands, feet, heart and mouth of Jesus Christ for people who are suffering or marginalized. We do this through our outreach: Faith Kitchen, St. John’s Lunches, Loaves and Fishes, Gateway, and more. John 15 – Jesus is the vine and we are the branches. The branches are called to bear fruit. Join us this Sunday, May 5 as we explore: Empowering every member to discover their individual calling and the gifts God has given them so they can go forth and serve. We are the Priesthood of all believers.
-Pastor Carie Morgan
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